Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Research Study: caring for a family member with advanced ovarian cancer

I'm participating in another study. This one is being conducted by Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in conjuncton with Ovarian Cancer Canada. They are gathering information from family members who have cared for women with late stage ovarian cancer who have passed away. They are gathering information on the cancer patient's experience, the family's experience, opinions on the health care system, etc. Boy are they going to get an earful from me. I already have 2 pages of notes regarding delays, screw ups, etc. from when mom was undergoing treatment.

Information will be gathered during a one hour confidential telephone interview, but the researcher told me today with the response and feedback she's getting it will likely be more like 2 hours!

For more information, please visit the National Ovarian Cancer Association.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I don't quite have two pages, yet.
Do you think we can name names?!